Dr. Ulrich G. Randoll

Inventor of Matrix Rhythm Therapy & Matrix Concept
Dr. Ulrich Randoll

Dr. Ulrich G. Randoll Randoll is scientist from Munich, Germany invented Matrix Rhythm Therapy (MaRhyThe®). Dr Ulrich Randoll is a medical doctor, researcher, author, lecturer, and Director of Dr. Randoll Institut in Munich, Germany. This therapy is invented by him based on his research at Erlangen University, Munich, Germany during period of 1989-1997. To know more about his research visit website: www.dr-randoll-institut.de

Working on patients in the Department of Maxillo-Facial Surgery at the Univ. of Erlangen/Nürnberg, having severe pain, low quality of life and where suffering from maxillofacial and oropharyngeal Tumors he was looking for tools to activate microcirculation. According to the theoretical state of science in those times (Synchronization, coherence, non-equilibrium thermodynamics of living systems etc.) he was convinced, that only tools working according to nature (supporting physiological processes) are useful to get best therapeutic effects. Unfortunately this knowledge, well known in natural sciences since decades, was not considered in medical strategies for healing. How the time basis for living systems can be stabilized in healthy state?

1996 Dr. Randoll was donated the "Matrimed Research Award" in Greece from the International Matrix Society for his research work on videomicroscopy, the Matrix Concept and first clinical outcomes. He introduced the term “Matrix Therapy” showing that every treatment is firstly focusing the environment of the cell before reaching the cell. Even chemo therapy is Matrix Therapy. Very early he made clear, that every healing is a problem (management) of cellular processes and environments (EZM) by physic-chemical, mental and spiritual methods.

As he did not find such a tool on the market he constructed prototypes combining magneto-mechanical waves in a coherent physiological way. They should work in a parasympathetic manner to harmonize derailed cellular processes. He called it Matrix Rhythm Therapy. As the extracellular Matrix has a defined physiological rhythm range (8 -12 Hz) that is derailed in a diseased state a Rhythm Therapy in this range had to be developed to rearrange and synchronize the derailed rhythms. That was the beginning of Matrix Rhythm Therapy, optimizing cellular logistics to start the healing within and having no side effects as well. This “Regenerative Medicine” is internationally accepted as a basic part of modern Systems Biology.

Since more than 20 years in more than 25 countries, thousands of medical doctors, dentists, physiotherapists, osteopaths, manual therapists are trained in knowledge and skills. The best of them are certified and listed Matrix Health Partners and so became reliable partners, coaches, therapists for patients best recovery in shortest time.

The Matrixmobil® is manufactured as a High Quality Product and is according to European law the only governmental registered “active medical device class IIa” that has transferred the knowledge of regenerative medicine into practical Medicine as state of the art already since more than 20 years. Internationally established the sustainability is proven.

As invited speaker Dr. Randoll is every year at Universities, workshops, Congresses and international conferences all over the country. His unique Matrix Concept brings actual evidence based medical concepts together with evidence based methods of our ancestors.

Being familiar with the Matrix Concept and the Matrixmobil® we are regular visiting Dr-Randoll-Institut in Munich, Germany to widen our horizons. We participate every year on his spectacular workshops at exceptional places like Ischia Island in Italy or Chesme in Turkey.

As the medical markets are more and more confusing by none valuated marketing, we invite you to become member in our Matrix Family to get validated information, regular updated original knowledge and skills according to the international state of the art

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